This is an excerpt from my (pre-revision) forthcoming publication Managing cultural heritage values in lunar mining? What are the issues?
Consultation with stakeholders is
part of both assessing the social significance of cultural heritage and
obtaining a Social Licence to Operate (SLO). Despite the best intentions, however, gaining free, prior and informed consent is frequently overlooked (Bice 2014). How could this be
achieved for an entire celestial body, and with meaningful consultation with
the ‘local’ community of Earth’s seven billion people? While the UN offers
obvious mechanisms through the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOUS), UNESCO and the advisory organisation the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), private commercial
interests may prefer to undertake their own community engagement.
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Lunar surface mining. Image courtesy of NASA |
How will people feel if they look at
the Moon in the night sky, and know that is being mined underneath their eyes? While
diverse publics have been tolerant of scientific missions, commercial ventures
may be received very differently. Mining and exploration will have impacts on
the lunar environment much greater than the low level created by robotic and
scientific missions to date.
While it is probably broadly true to
say “humanity as a whole has
embraced the historic events and objects associated with space research as part
of our jointly held heritage” (Walsh 2012:234), this obscures deeply entrenched
divisions between colonial/spacefaring nations and colonised/'developing' nations
(Gorman 2005a, Gorman 2009b, Redfield 2005). These divisions have been very evident
in the politics around the formation of the Outer Space Treaty (OST), the Moon Agreement even more
so, and contribute to the impasse that resource utilisation on the Moon is
currently facing (Hoffstadt 1994).
The reaction of, say, an Australian to
a US-based profit-making mine in which they have no say or share could easily
be negative. A First Nations Australian may have another layer of reaction,
based on their experience of alienation from country and destruction of
cultural heritage arising from terrestrial resource exploitation. Moreover, an
assault on the integrity of a celestial body which belongs to what is commonly
called the ‘Dreaming’ – a suite of cultural knowledge in which the past is
simultaneously entwined with the creation of law, identity and land in the present
– may be a matter of some concern. Aboriginal people are by no means the only First
Nation to have such a relationship with the Moon.
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Moon Dreaming, by Ronnie Tjampitjinpa, 2007 Ronnie Tjampitjinapa is a Pintupi man from the Western Desert He was a founding member of the Papunya Tula Artists group. . Image courtesy of Aboriginal Art Directory |
What is considered to be for ‘the
benefit and in the interests of all countries’ (OST Article 1, see also Moon Agreement
Article 4) depends very much on how regulation unfolds in this next critical
period. Again a parallel with terrestrial mining industry may be instructive.
Management strategies in SLO frameworks include the concept of ‘offsets’: compensating
for impacts at one location through activities at another, either directly or
indirectly. A direct offset might be setting aside a protected area of land to
compensate for the loss of that impacted by mining. Increasing the value of a
heritage place could be considered a direct offset – for example, committing
resources to conserving Tranquility Base to compensate for ‘sacrificing’ a
Lunar Orbiter impact site. Indirect offsets may include funding research or
education around the environmental/heritage resource that will lead to benefits
for it. Note though, that offsets are determined during the planning phase, not
in retrospect ie they do not compensate for damage already caused.
Lunar mining will take place in
an environment where social media are a major part of public engagement with space. Space agencies, private companies, astronauts, missions, and rovers have
their own Twitter accounts and there is an expectation of public involvement.
Crowd-funded space missions such as Lunar Mission One, a probe designed to
drill a deep core in polar regions, is possibly the vanguard of more such
projects. The investors in off-world mining companies are likely to be the same
people who buy shares in terrestrial mining. The moon’s seeming remoteness will
not protect industrial operations from the scrutiny of the public.
Bice, Sarah
2014 What Gives You a Social Licence? An Exploration of
the Social Licence to Operate in the Australian Mining Industry. Resources 3:62-80
Gorman, A.C. 2009b Beyond the Space Race: the
significance of space sites in a new global context. In Angela Piccini and
Cornelius Holtorf (eds) Contemporary Archaeologies:
Excavating Now, pp 161-180 Bern: Peter Lang
Gorman, A.C. 2005a The cultural landscape of
interplanetary space. Journal of Social Archaeology 5(1):85-10
Hoffstadt, Brian 1994 Moving the heavens: lunar
mining and the ‘common heritage of mankind’ in the Moon Treaty. UCLA Law Review
Redfield, P. 2005. Space in the Tropics. From Convicts to
Rockets in French Guiana.
of California Press.
Justin 2012 Protection of humanity’s
cultural and historic heritage in space. Space
Policy 28:234-243
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