My Publications on Space Archaeology

Gorman, A.C. 2020 Can the Moon be a person? As lunar mining looms, a change of perspective could protect Earth’s ancient companion. The Conversation, August 27 

Gorman, A.C. 2020 Who is responsible for heritage in outer space? 23 November, Apollo: The International Art Magazine. Print: December issue as Saving Space, pp 29-31 (invited contribution) 

Gorman, A.C., L. Wallis and Heather Burke (eds) 2020 Space: An Exploration of Objects. Indooroopilly: Wallis Heritage Consulting 

Gorman, A.C. 2020 Red dust to star dust: Australian dreams of space and sky. In Out of This World: Australia in the Space Age. Canberra: National Archives of Australia, pp viii-ix (invited catalogue essay)

Gorman, A.C. and Sarah May 2020 Future visions and the heritage of space: Nostalgia for infinity. In Cornelius Holtorf and Anders Hogberg (eds) Cultural Heritage and the Future, pp 130-143. London: Routledge

Gorman, A.C. 2020 Geometry and the uncanny in the interior of the International Space Station. In Roland Miller and Paolo Nespoli (eds) Interior Spaces. A Visual Exploration of the International Space Station, pp 53-57. Bologna: Damiani 

Gorman, A.C. 2020 Space heritage: artefacts and archaeology. Journal & Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 153(1): 94-96

Gorman, A.C. 2020 Space junk. In Philippe Tortell (ed) Earth 2020: An Insider’s Guide to a Rapidly Changing Planet. OpenBook Publishers, pp 239-245

Gorman, A.C. 2019 Dr Space Junk vs the universe: archaeology and the future. Sydney: New South Publishing.

Gorman, A.C. 2018 Ghosts in the machine: space junk and the future of Earth orbit. Architectural Design 89(6): 106-111

Gorman, A.C. 2018 Space junk matters. SpaceWatch Global, March 4

Gorman, A.C. 2018 Gravity's playground: dreams of spaceflight and the rocket park in Australian culture. In Darran Jordan and Rocco Bosco, eds. Defining the Fringe of Contemporary Australian Archaeology. Pyramidiots, Paranoia and the Paranormal. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 92-107.

Gorman, A.C. 2017 Not all space debris is junk: a comprehensive management strategy for culturally significant spacecraft. 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Adelaide, Australia, 25-29 September 2017. IAC-17,A6,8,2,x40612

Gorman, A.C. 2017 Trace fossils. The silence of Ediacara, the shadow of uranium. In Julianne Schultz and Patrick Allington (eds) State of Hope. The Griffith Review 55, pp 257-266

Gorman, A.C. 2017 Comet Quest. How the Rosetta mission created a new archaeological site in space. Anthropology News

Gorman, A.C. 2017 Pale blue dot: everyday material culture on the International Space Station. Day of Archaeology, July 28

Gorman, A.C. 2016 Culture on the Moon: bodies in time and space. Archaeologies 12(1):110-128

Gorman, A.C. 2016 Tracking cable ties: contemporary archaeology at a NASA satellite tracking station. In Ursula K. Frederick and Anne Clarke (eds) That was then, this is now: contemporary archaeology and material cultures in Australia. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press

Gorman, A.C. 2016 The death of a spacecraft. Day of Archaeology, July 30

Gorman, A.C. 2015 Robot avatars: The material culture of human activity in Earth orbit. In B.L. O'Leary and P.J. Capelotti (eds), Archaeology and Heritage of the Human Movement into Space, pp. 29–47. Heidelberg: Springer.

Gorman, A.C. 2015 Australian Aboriginal place names in the solar system. Astrosociological Insights 4(2):14-15

Gorman, A.C. 2015 Job description. In Bianca Nogrady (ed) The Best Australian Science Writing 2015. Sydney: New South Press

Gorman, A.C. 2014 The Anthropocene in the Solar System. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 1(1):87-91

Gorman, A.C. 2014 Space Archaeology. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 6943-6948.

Gorman, A.C. 2014 Beyond the morning star. In Ashley Hay (ed) The Best Australian Science Writing 2014. Sydney: New South Press

Gorman, A.C. 2014 One thousand elephants orbiting the Earth. Day of Archaeology, July 11

Gorman, A.C. 2014 Valley of the Cable Ties. In Scott Huler (ed) OpenLab 2013. The Best of Science Writing on the Web. Science Online

Gorman, A.C. and Beth Laura O'Leary 2013 The archaeology of space exploration. In Paul Graves-Brown, Rodney Harrison and Angela Piccini (eds) The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Contemporary World, pp 409-424. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Gorman, A.C. 2013 Space archaeology. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, SpringerReference

Gorman, A.C. 2013 Look but don't touch: US law and the protection of lunar heritage. The Conversation, 29 November

Gorman, A.C. 2013 Beyond the Morning Star: the real tale of Voyagers' Aboriginal music. The Conversation, 3 October

Gorman, A.C. 2013 Humanity's next giant leap: our heritage in space is our future too. The Conversation, 18 June

Gorman, A.C. 2012 Space archaeology. In Neil Silberman (ed) The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, pp 197-200. Oxford University Press

Gorman, A.C. 2012 Venus calling: let's return to the planet of love. The Conversation, 13 June

Gorman, A.C. 2012 Saving space junk: our cultural heritage in orbit. The Conversation, 2 April

Gorman, A.C. 2011 The sky is falling: how Skylab became an Australian icon. Journal of Australian Studies 35(4):529-546

Gorman, A.C. 2009 The gravity of archaeology. Archaeologies: Journal of the World Archaeological Congress 5(2):344-359

Gorman, A.C. 2009 The cultural landscape of space. In Ann Darrin and Beth O'Leary (eds) The Handbook of Space Engineering, Archaeology and Heritage, pp 331-342. Boca Raton: CRC Press

Gorman, A.C. 2009 Heritage of Earth orbit: orbital debris - its mitigation and heritage. In Ann Darrin and Beth O'Leary (eds) The Handbook of Space Engineering, Archaeology and Heritage, pp 377-393. Boca Raton: CRC Press

Gorman, A.C. 2009 Beyond the space race: the significance of space sites in a new global context. In Angela Piccini and Cornelius Holtorf (eds) Contemporary Archaeologies: Excavating Now, pp 161-180. Bern: Peter Lang

Gorman, A.C. 2009 The archaeology of space exploration. In David Parker and Martin Bell (eds) Space Travel and Culture: From Apollo to Space Tourism, pp 129-142. Wiley-Blackwell

Gorman, A.C. 2007 La terre et l'espace: rockets, prisons, protests and heritage in Australia and French Guiana. Archaeologies: Journal of the World Archaeological Congress 3(2):153-168

Gorman, A.C. 2007 Saving Woomera. Australasian Science, June, pp 38-40

Gorman, A.C. and Beth Laura O'Leary 2007 An ideological vacuum: the Cold War in space. In John Schofield and Wayne Cocroft (eds) A Fearsome Legacy: Diverse Legacies of the Cold War, pp 73-92. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press

Gorman, A.C. 2005 The cultural landscape of interplanetary space. Journal of Social Archaeology 5(1):85-107

Gorman, A.C. 2005 The archaeology of orbital space. In Australian Space Science Conference 2005, pp 338-357. RMIT University, Melbourne

Gorman, A.C. 2005 Space cowboys: the Wild West and the myth of the American hero. New England Review, February, pp 10 -12

Gorman, A. C. 2003 Cultural Heritage Management in Orbit. Paper presented at the World Archaeological Congress 5, Washington DC. Themes, The Heavens Above: Archaeoastronomy, Space Heritage and SETI.

Salmond, Wendy, Justin Walsh and A.C. Gorman 2020 Eternity in Low Earth Orbit: icons on the International Space Station. Religions 11(11):611

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