Bibliography of Space Archaeology

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Space adventures in Canberra - could this be the Love Pygmy?

My elegant geophysicist friend I. Moffat accompanied me on my tracking station expedition a couple of weeks ago in Canberra. He took me to a former planetarium with the most wonderful futuristic design (some have commented that this is how they imagine the Love Pygmy).


  1. Anonymous11:04 am

    That looks like a 'Futuro' pre-fab home, designed by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen in the late '60s. There are a few of 'em around Australia.

  2. You're absolutely right, I have a lovely book "Where's my space age" with many pictures of the Futuro. Could this be a real one? Didn't realise there were any in Australia.

  3. Anonymous5:00 pm

    IIRC, there's one at South Morang, NE of Melbourne - I think it's a real estate agent's office. I've not been out that way for ages, but I suppose I could go and do some 'ground truthing' for you....

  4. Oh! That would be fabulous .....
